28 março 2010

Músicas dos dias que correm

3 comentários:

  1. Really nice choice, JB. I have not heard of George Dalaras and since you did not include any text I have just googled him to discover:
    Misa Criolla is his folk interpretation of an Argentinian composition, that GD is one of the most famous Greek musicians who has now become a UN ambassador for refugees around the world. Anyway, the music is lovely, and I would like to hear him in concert next time he visits London! Thanks, PO

  2. Tks, PO. I normally don't include any text whit the music I choose. I leave this important task for those who knoe - like you. I must confess I wasn't interested in the singer, but in the music, considering it's a crioule (?) mass and it was Sunday.


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