10 março 2011

Deixa-me rir...

Van Morrison. Um dos meus (muitos) artistas preferidos. Adoro a sua voz rouca e expressiva, cheia de blues e decadência. As canções que se seguem são algumas das minhas preferidas. A primeira é particularmente harmoniosa e incrivelmente romântica (“Someone Like you”).

A segunda parece-me um pastiche (no melhor sentido, evidentemente), tanto pelo ritmo como pela nasalidade da voz, de outro dos meus artistas de eleição, que o dono deste estabelecimento abomina (sorry, JdB!): Mick Jagger (“Brown Eyed Girl”).

A terceira descobria-a por acaso e fiquei totalmente fã. Um incrível diálogo de blues, jazz, virtuosismo e improvisação tudo à mistura (“Common One”).

Até dia 24.


11 comentários:

Philip disse...

Hi pcp, great choice of artist... I like the first two songs. Not the last where I hate the repeated answering phrases, it gets boring after a while. I saw VM once years ago, he was a miserable goat complaining all the time to hs musicians that rhythm and timing was too slow/too fast, never satisfied. Perfectionist maybe, control freak probably, spiritual definitely. Thx, PO

Anónimo disse...

Oh P, I thought you would like the last one too.... I like it! It's rather mad and original, completely out of the ordinary! Anyway, I can't please you all the time!!! Bjs. pcp

Anónimo disse...

Like I told you before you are a l'aise in your 50s!
I agree with your comment totally.
C my view is that this post does not ressemble you at all, I dont recognise you in here, not a bit. Like someone said before in here - tem costela?
Maria Lemos

Anónimo disse...

ML, mas sou eu!! Não pedi a ninguém para escrever este post por mim. Também sou assim... o que posso eu fazer??? pcp

Philip disse...

Ah meninas! I'm sure we all have a crazy costela that needs to poke through the skin of normality sometimes...it keeps us sane! po

Anónimo disse...

Sorry! Don't get it! What's so crazy about this post???? pcp

Philip disse...

there was nothing weird about your post, actually you said very little in your text. i was just responding to ML's comment that somehow you were not being you????? at least i understood ML comment "tem costela?" to mean that you have an alter-ego, like Eve born from Adam's costela, was this not the meaning? I don't think your third song was unusual for you at all, but i didn't pay attention to the lyric because i didn't like the repetition, so maybe ML heard something crazy in the lyrics. PO

marialemos disse...

Philip is right, as always.
Bj C, bom fim de semana:)

Anónimo disse...

I know!!! I was only teasing you! My God, to be the object of so much attention! Thank you both for accepting my "alter-ego" (Jekyll & Hyde?). Just kidding.... bjs. pcp

Anónimo disse...

A parte instrumental da última música é um espanto!!

Anónimo disse...

ainda bem que percebeu a minha escolha, fq! Eu também achei um espanto. Talvez um pouco repetitiva e monótona, não digo que não, mas extremamente original e alucinantemente criativa! Obrigada!!! pcp

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