18 setembro 2024

Duas Últimas

Tenho de reconhecer que não conhecia - ou não me lembrava - da música Isn't it a pitty, até ter visto uma referência que lhe foi feita num post, no Linkedin, do meu amigo João Azevedo e Silva. 

A versão de George Harrison de Isn't it a pitty (George Harrison é o autor da música) tem pouco mais de 7 minutos.


Há ainda uma versão do Eric Clapton (à qual eu daria a medalha de prata, porque nunca fui um incondicional de George Harrison).

A versão da Nina Simone tem 11 minutos e é desaconselhada a quem, ou não gosta dela, ou acha que 11 minutos a ouvir(-lhe) uma música é auto-punição. No entanto, e apesar do virtuosismo da guitarra de Eric Clapton e da sua qualidade como cantor, a versão da Nina Simone está carregada de um tom de voz dramático, sofrido, pesado, que casa melhor com a música. Mas isso, como se costuma dizer, é a minha opinião...

Os heróis que oiçam as três versões. Se só quiserem atirar-se a uma, atirem-se à Nina, digo eu. Mas não digam que não vos avisei - são 11 minutos...

Isn't it a pity

you don't know what i'm talking about yet but i will tell you soon it's a pity isn't it a pity isn't it a shame yes, how we break each other's hearts and cause each other pain how we take each other's love without thinking anymore forgetting to give back forgetting to remember just forgetting and no thank you
isn't it a pity


Letra completa (que vale a pena ler) mais abaixo



Isn't it a pity you don't know what i'm talking about yet but i will tell you soon it's a pity isn't it a pity isn't it a shame yes, how we break each other's hearts and cause each other pain how we take each other's love without thinking anymore forgetting to give back forgetting to remember just forgetting and no thank you isn't it a pity some things take so long but how do i explain why not too many people can see that we are all just the same we're all guilty because of all the tears our eyes just can't hope to see but i don't think it's applicable to me the beauty that surrounds them child, isn't it a pity how we break each other's hearts and cause each other pain how we take each other's love the most precious thing without thinking anymore forgetting to give back forgetting to keep open our door isn't it a pity isn't it a pity some things take so long but how do i explain isn't it a pity why not too many people can see we're all the same because we cry so much our eyes can't, can't hope to see that's not quite true the beauty that surrounds them maybe that's why we cry God, isn't it a pity Lord knows it's a pity mankind has been so programmed that they don't care about nothin' that has to do with care c-a-r-e how we take each other's love the most precious thing without thinking anymore forgetting to give back forgetting to keep open the door but i understand some things take so long but how do i explain why not too many people can see we're just the same and because of all their tears their eyes can't hope to see the beauty that surrounds them God, isn't it a pity the beauty that surrounds them it's a pity we take each other's love just take it for granted without thinking anymore we give each other pain and we shut every door we take each other's minds and we're capable of take each other's souls we do it every day just to reach some financial goal Lord, isn't it a pity, my God isn't it a pity, my God and so unnecessary just a little time, a little care a little note written in the air just the little thank you we just forget to give back cause we're moving too fast moving too fast forgetting to give back but some things take so long and i cannot explain the beauty that surrounds us and we don't see it we think things are just the same we've been programmed that way isn't it a pity if you want to feel sorry isn't it a pity isn't it a pity the beauty sets the beauty that surrounds us because of all our tears our eyes can't hope to see maybe one day at least i'll see me and just concentrate on givin', givin', givin', givin' and till that day mankind don't stand a chance don't know nothin' about romance everything is plastic isn't it a pity my God.

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