04 dezembro 2009

i sing my electric heart

para o al berto.
porque somos tão poucos a cantar.

i dream of electric dreams
i dream of electric daydreams
i dream of electric ladies
i sing the body electric.

just as some people grow gardens
in the backyard
each morning i wake up
and water my flowers gently.

i carry a garden inside myself:
each flower growing from an electric seed,
each seed growing from a kind of pain.

some people wear flowers in their hair
just like in the song, decades ago.
i wear electric flowers, instead,
and ladies,
and dreams.
a different kind of skin
i didn't ask anybody for.

each flower, each pain, each dream, each bone:
a gigantic
and electric
in which i rest from the pains of the world,
to better dive into
my own pains.

this garden where i feel secure,
as virginia astley once said.

i sing the world's pain away
by mastering
my own.

a job? you ask.
a mission? you mock.

a flower. i say.
each one grows the garden that suits him the most.


3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Para variar, gostei muito. Gostei deste poema com laivos de São Francisco e dos 60's, mas tão mais melancólico (claro!)... que bonita a imagem de um jardim interior, nosso e único. E que bom que é o seu inglês! É para o PO perceber? Estou a brincar ... pcp

Anónimo disse...

Electric dreams, ladies... are you a bladerunning replicant jimi hendrix?...Voltaire said that every man must cultivate his own garden...Chinese proverb: if you want to be happy for a day get drunk, if you want to be happy forever, be a gardener... po

Ricardo António Alves disse...

Boa noite. Sou dono de um boxer que desapareceu no Cobre, Cascais, no dia 28 de Novembro. Peço-lhe o favor de ver a foto no meu blogue «A Caverna de Éolo», e se souber do seu paradeiro me avise. Fico-lhe muito grato.
Ricardo António Alves

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